Here is a long-overdue reprint of The Laughing Elf, by Ronald MacDonald, the only fairy story by Ronald in the style of his famous father, George MacDonald. On its original publication in 1922, Henry Savage called it:
“A work of genius, bringing with it what Walter Pater calls ‘a strange new beauty.’ . . . it is going to last, is this book of fairy tales strung on a string as it were. The author is Ronald MacDonald, a son of that George MacDonald whose name is one still to conjure with”
Order details and formats follow.
The Laughing Elf, by Ronald MacDonald
Trade paperback edition ($12.00) sold via Amazon (and European affiliates) ISBN 978-1976491627.
Amazon.com at this link.
Kindle edition, sold via Amazon and affiliates. Amazon.com at this link.